Chuck Palahniuk on Joe Rogan
Chuck Palahniuk on Joe Rogan This whole conversation is great (although largely NSFW), but the relevant part for The Cramped starts at about 38:30 (linked), whe...
Chuck Palahniuk on Joe Rogan This whole conversation is great (although largely NSFW), but the relevant part for The Cramped starts at about 38:30 (linked), whe...
Solid video.
I know, I know—The Cramped is about analogue writing tools, not watches. But this post isn’t about watches, not really. It’s about choosing simple tools that do...
Smartphones Killed Handwriting. Let’s Bring It Back | The Wall Street Journal I was skeptical of this piece at first (I thought it was just going be full of rec...
The Telegraph: Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary at the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said youngsters have become accustomed to using ...
The Analog-Digital Life | Leigh Reyes There are days it feels like I’m living from screen to screen. I answer several messages on your phone, check Instagram, h...
The Beginner’s Guide to Mechanical Pencils | JetPens A new guide from JetPens. In-depth and useful. Also, I’d never really thought about it, but apparently mech...
For Two Months, I Got My News from Print Newpapers. Here’s What I Learned — The New York Times In January, after the breaking-newsiest year in recent memory, I ...
The Grocery List Sketched by Michelangelo — Atlas Obscura The survival of this list is remarkable, too. Only around 600 of Michelangelo’s sketches still exist. ...