Taking note: Some Criteria for Buying a Fountain Pen
Taking note: Some Criteria for Buying a Fountain Pen What would be some of the criteria you should employ? Well, it seems to me that they should (i) either be p...
Taking note: Some Criteria for Buying a Fountain Pen What would be some of the criteria you should employ? Well, it seems to me that they should (i) either be p...
Talking About Tools – Chase McCoy Are you using the best pen for you? What about the best notebook? I come at this from the perspective of a writer, but t...
BBC News – Writers’ notebooks: ‘A junkyard of the mind’ A full notebook potentially contains the rest of your writing life. Or nothing o...
Filling a Notebook – Sanspoint. – Essays on Technology and Culture by Richard J. Anderson It might not be a complete portrait of my day, but it’s st...
Typewriters in Movies If you’ve ever wondered what Geoffrey Rush was pecking at in The King’s Speech, or what Colin Firth was writing his novel on i...