Cotton Bureau – Sketchnote Icons T-Shirt by Mike Rohde
Cotton Bureau – Sketchnote Icons T-Shirt by Mike Rohde This official sketchnote t-shirt design features the four icons from my Sketchnote Handbook & Workboo...
Cotton Bureau – Sketchnote Icons T-Shirt by Mike Rohde This official sketchnote t-shirt design features the four icons from my Sketchnote Handbook & Workboo...
Welcome. I’m glad you found your way here. If you are the sort of person who appreciates nice paper, a decent pen, a well-crafted notebook, a solid pencil...
The Best Way To Remember Something? Take Notes By Hand | Co.Design | business + design The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, compared how w...
Grounded & Steadfast – For the Love of Pen and Paper. Why? If the tasks are captured in my digital tool, why repeat myself on paper? Why take the time...