Barack Obama’s favorite pen: The former president weights in on an extraordinarily contentious topic.

All the President’s Pens — Slate on Barack Obama’s Favorite Pen

Barack Obama, no stranger to controversy, waded into an extraordinarily contentious area of American life on Wednesday when he revealed his pen preferences. The former president told the New York Times that when composing longform writing, including his recent book A Promised Land, he prefers to sketch out his first drafts by hand, rather than on a computer. What’s more, like all true stationery nerds, Obama is “very particular” about his writing tools, preferring the combination of yellow legal pad and black Uni-ball Vision Elite rollerball pen with a micro-point.

Re-discovering three-cornered notes – The Collation

Re-discovering three-cornered notes – The Collation

As far as I can tell, they were never sent through the post (if you know of any examples, please comment). They were just hand-delivered notes containing informal invitations, short apologies, brief questions, little flirtations, and so on. In the 20th century, their function was taken over by the phone call, and in the 21st century, by text messaging.

I had no idea of the long history behind notes like these. Via Alan Jacobs most recent always excellent newsletter.

The Work/Life Task System

The Work/Life Task System

The Work/Life Task System (WLTS) allows you to keep your professional and personal tasks separate in the same notebook, while accounting for how most tasks come into our lives in the first place: email.

New analog task system from Harry Marks (who used to be a contributor here). Worth checking out and seeing if some of these ideas might work for you.

An Archive of a Different Type – Internet Archive Blogs

An Archive of a Different Type – Internet Archive Blogs

Imagine being so well-known for your craft that letters addressed to “Mr. Typewriter, New York” would get delivered by the Post Office to your door. Imagine you mount a letter wrong while crafting a typewriter, and it causes a country (Burma) to change that letter to accommodate your mistake. Or that, through decades, your expert testimony about the accuracy of a brand of typewriter and the characters it types means the difference between guilt, incarceration, freedom or the swapping of fortunes. Such was the life of Pearl and Martin Tytell, of Tytell Typewriter

Facinating story.