Shunned in computer age, cursive makes a comeback in California | Reuters

Shunned in computer age, cursive makes a comeback in California | Reuters

Starting this year, California grade school students are required to learn cursive handwriting, after the skill had fallen out of fashion in the computer age… Experts say learning cursive improves cognitive development, reading comprehension and fine motor skills, among other benefits. Some educators also find value in teaching children to read historic documents and family letters from generations past.

Yep. My daughter went to a Montessori preschool where cursive is taught exclusively and it still benefits her to this day.

A cut too far: The people who can’t give up paper – BBC Future

A cut too far: The people who can’t give up paper – BBC Future

For decades, computers, smartphones and tablets have provided an alternative. Their illuminated displays can be virtually written upon or erased with the press of a few buttons or taps of a screen.

But the crisp flex of an off-white sheet held in the hand, or the way freshly-deposited ink from a favourite pen soaks into the fibrous surface – there is arguably nothing quite like paper.


(via Aaron Alfano)

I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing | Ars Technica

I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing | Ars Technica

At a time when it’s hard to know what information to trust, I felt delight when I recently learned that World Book still prints an up-to-date book encyclopedia in 2023. Although the term “encyclopedia” is now almost synonymous with Wikipedia, it’s refreshing to see such a sizable reference printed on paper. So I bought one, and I’ll tell you why.

My Grandmother was a college professor and one thing she made sure of was always having up-to-date sets of all of the major encyclopedias in the house. Among them, World Book was always my favorite. As a child, I was a voracious reader. I would spend hours and hours paging through them and reading them whenever I was at her house. I’m fairly sure I’ve read the entire set cover-to-cover at least once. This article has me pondering doing so again.

Analog Office – Reader Question 2: Notes on Paper, Notes in Apps, Here, There, and Everywhere, Should I Just Give Up and Accept the Chaos?

Analog Office – Reader Question 2: Notes on Paper, Notes in Apps, Here, There, and Everywhere, Should I Just Give Up and Accept the Chaos?

There are some really great ideas and suggestions within but I absolutely love this:

The magic is in the fact that writing is a transit system, which transports little electrical sparks in your synapses into things that affect shared reality.

This is truly magical, and amazing, and a continuing source of awe to me: that we are alive, that we can create things, that we can use our thoughts to help ourselves grow, and to better the lives of others. A tremendous gift and power!

This! So much this! This is why we do it. This is what we believe in.