How Important is Your Notebook?

How Important is Your Notebook? — The Well Appointed Desk

Many notebooks include a place to write your name and contact info inside in case you get parted for your notes. Do you fill it in?

An important reminder.


Henry David Thoreau on Journaling

“We should not endeavor coolly to analyze our thoughts, but, keeping the pen even and parallel with the current, make an accurate transcript of them.”

— Henry David Thoreau, in his personal journal, March 7, 1837

I’ve begun digging my way through Henry David Thoreau’s Journal and am struck by how many of his early entries are, like mine and I suspect many others, filled with angst and doubt about the purpose of such an exercise. I find it quite comforting to know that even one of literature’s great writers and thinkers struggled to keep a journal, questioned the entire idea of it, did so only in fits and starts, but kept at it all the same. And, by doing so, even haphazardly, bore such great fruit and insights about nature, philosophy, community, and solitude to be enjoyed well over a century later.

So, the next time you struggle with journaling, remember that there is no “perfect” and even the greats mostly failed. The difference is that they failed forward and continued despite themselves. You may not be sure of the purpose now or in your lifetime. Focus only on capturing the moment and mood of now. Let time judge the worth of it all.

Behind The Scenes of The Focus Course: Outlining, Architecting, and Writing — Shawn Blanc

Behind The Scenes of The Focus Course: Outlining, Architecting, and Writing — Shawn Blanc

I built the Focus Course on 3×5 notecards. While there were other tools — such as highlighters, binder clips, the world’s greatest pen, iA Writer, MailChimp, WordPress, a Baron Fig notebook, and a stack of paperback books taller than my 3-year-old — the notecards proved to be instrumental.

I love getting insights into other people’s process and especially so when pen and paper are the key.


Bradley Mountain Waxed Canvas Utility Roll — A Brief Review

Photo Jul 14, 9 25 28 PM

A few months back, I purchased a Bradley Mountain Waxed Canvas Utility Roll from the deal site Huckberry for my writing utensils. It comes with me nearly everywhere, packing a nice selection of pens, a highlighter, and a pocket knife in a very attractive and sturdy roll.

Photo Jul 14, 9 25 00 PM

It very often provokes inquiries and kind comments from strangers when I take it out at the coffee shop or in a meeting. Almost everyone asks me where I got it. Yet another occurrence today reminded me that I have never written about it for this site so this will rectify that and give me a place to point people to.

Now, the deal with Huckberry is that you have to sign up to take advantage of the good deals on the products they have there. Sign up is not only free but, if you use this link, you will get a $10.00 credit on your order (and I get a credit too — win/win). The Utility Roll is a very good value at $29.98 so using that link makes it extra affordable.

Photo Jul 14, 9 24 23 PM

So, if you’ve been looking for an attractive and rugged solution for your daily pen carry, consider this a great option.

Personal Journaling — The Brooks Review

Personal Journaling — The Brooks Review

I realized that journaling at the daily level is absurd, things change too often and that’s what Twitter is for (and why I post tweets to my site first). But the weekly level seems granular enough to look at big and small events alike, but more removed from the small hiccups that could feel big for that day or moment.

I think there are many people who struggle with a daily journaling practice like Ben has. I think the most helpful thing to remember is that there are no “rules” except the ones you decide to set for yourself and even then nothing is set in stone. If a weekly or monthly practice work better for you, go for it.

The Shed Project — Lee John Phillips

The Shed Project — Lee John Phillips

I am currently cataloguing the entire contents of my late grandfather’s tool shed. I estimate the project to take around 5 years and will involve me illustrating in excess of 100,000 items.


(via Kottke)

Follow-Up: Stillman & Birn Epsilon Sketchbook | The Well-Appointed Desk

Follow-Up: Stillman & Birn Epsilon Sketchbook | The Well-Appointed Desk

I have filled almost ever page in the Stillman & Birn Epsilon sketchbook I reviewed last year. I started working in it regularly about a month ago when I started taking some online drawing and painting classes and I thought I’d share with you how well it held up to regular use and abuse.

I love reviews of items that have been used for long periods of time. I find them so much better and more realistic than “first impression” reviews. In fact, it was one of the driving factors behind starting this site. More like this please!

On Journal Writing | Wonder Pens – Inspiration for a Writing Life

On Journal Writing | Wonder Pens – Inspiration for a Writing Life

There are all sorts of reasons for keeping a journal – to help you think and unwind and reflect and re-live the good and the bad, these are probably the most obvious, and I think more than enough reason to do so. To learn from our mistakes and to grieve and celebrate and wonder. To be able to go through life a bit more thoughtfully. I think there are enough online articles that surface and re-surface every once in a while that discuss some of the mental health benefits and boosts to creativity and the inner peace that the reflection of journaling has, which is all well and good, but I think writing in a journal as a regular habit is one of those things you just have to do to understand.

Ink – Written by Hand (#INKdoc) on Vimeo

Not long ago, handwriting was taken for granted as something anyone could generally do well. Today, children are taught how to type on tablets – putting pen to paper is an afterthought. INK follows Tanja Tiziana – a freelance photographer in Toronto, Canada – and her journey to rediscover the written word.


(Via The Well Appointed Desk)

Penciling in a New Passion – Curious Rat

Penciling in a New Passion – Curious Rat

So, here’s to the inky ones. The writers. The sketchers. The Field Notes hoarders. Thank you for your patience and your tutelage. I am grateful and I look forward to passing on what I’ve learned to another who might begin as I had in a state of overwhelming confusion.

Agreed. The resources available and the expert advice on using analog tools — or anything you might be curious about — is in abundance. Make sure to thank those you learn from and pay it forward by passing that knowledge along.