Electronic indexing system for your paper notes : notebooks
Electronic indexing system for your paper notes “After many years of wrestling with how best to connect my paper notebooks to my digital data, I’ve ...
Electronic indexing system for your paper notes “After many years of wrestling with how best to connect my paper notebooks to my digital data, I’ve ...
The Study: Issue #32 — Keeping a Commonplace Book – The Study It’s not a journal, bullet or otherwise. It’s not your collection of morning pages. It’s not...
Building My Bullet-Journal-Based Hybrid Productivity System – The Sweet Setup There’s something about using a nice notebook and a fancy fountain pen that inspir...
The wonderful Flair felt tip pen / Boing Boing I always keep a couple of Flairs in my sketchnote kit.
Well-Read Life™: Bring Your Own Pen—The New Normal, Again You’re doing it both for your sake and for the sake of others, a small but reassuring addition ...
Too Many Words about Blackwing Pencils My friend Robert van Vliet takes us on a deep dive into the modern Blackwing releases. He’s a true pencil nerd and ...
World Sketchnote Day 2020! — Sketchnote Army Today is World Sketchnote Day. Sketchnotes were pioneered by my dear friend Mike Rhode as a way to add visual story...
Colin Walker is Writing by Hand “There is something unexpectedly liberating about putting pen to paper in this manner, something I’ve not felt in a ...
How this Japanese method of saving money changed my life—and made me richer What sets kakeibo apart, however, is that it doesn’t involve any budgeting software,...
Note cards the size of a credit card – usem note cards I was recently sent a package with a selection of Usem Note Cards. They are made of thick, high-qua...