Star Trek Isn’t a Paperless Future
I thought this was a fun video.
I thought this was a fun video.
Solid video.
Beatrix Rhone reviews the new School Set from Baron Fig. Our own Patrick Rhone’s daughter stars in this ridiculously cute video review of the new School S...
We’re so proud of our beautiful new film, ’Notes’. Despite living in a time when connecting with people has become so much easier, it has also become so much le...
Fascinating video of the process of preserving the 100+ year old original manuscript of A Christmas Carol. Reminder, if you want something to last for 100+ year...
To put it lightly, Philip Ashforth Coppola loves New York City’s subway stations. For the past 38 years, the New Jersey-based illustrator has been explori...
Kooky video full of life hacks using binder clips! Office supplies will save your life! Or at least make it more convenient. Source: Video: Life Hacks with Bind...
How to Write a Thank You Note | The Art of Manliness For more than just men. Good tips for everyone.
Leftybooks, notebooks designed and made exclusively for left-handed minds. The Leftybooks contains a slight slant-ruled paper printed in the inside, so you can ...
I really enjoyed Austin Kleon’s wonderful talk about journalling. Features many examples of how famous folks journaled. Quite the variety and for many may...